Voters to consider transfer of Menands Public Library property

Menands voters will consider in May whether ownership of the Menands Public Library should be transferred from the school to the library Board of Trustees. The Menands Board of Education approved on March 10 putting the transfer before voters as a proposition on May 20 – the district’s annual budget vote date. The vote will …

Public Hearing, Budget Workshop, and BOE Meeting Tonight

Tonight there is a Public Hearing, Budget Workshop, and Board of Education Meeting all at Menands School! The public hearing is regarding the transfer of ownership of the Menands Public Library to the Library Board of Trustees. The Menands UFSD currently owns the property and building.  Here is the presentation for the Public Hearing.  Tune …

Menands School concludes Black History Month Celebration with popular events

Two popular events recently closed out the Menands School’s Black History Month celebration. On March 5, a performance by ZUZU African Acrobats captivated students and onlookers alike entertained and engaged students at the school. The Tanzania-based acrobatic troupe “were amazing to watch. The kids absolutely loved them and the performers returned that love,” said Superintendent …

New Menands teacher’s name may ring a bell to some

A veteran teacher is returning to the Menands School as the new first grade teacher. Amanda Bell has taught elementary school and special education classes for the past 15 years, most recently in the Albany City Schools where she served as a first-grade teacher. While obtaining her bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the College of Saint …

New liaison seeks to improve parent-school communication

Taj Buskey is a self-described jack of all trades in the Menands School, having worked as custodian, a kitchen worker, hall monitor and lunch monitor. Now, he is taking on a new role, one that will directly impact many students and parents. The village resident was recently appointed parent liaison for the Menands School and …

Public hearing March 10 on the transfer of Menands Public Library

The Menands Board of Education will conduct a public hearing on March 10 at the school. The hearing will be about a plan by the district to transfer ownership of the Menands Public Library to the library Board of Trustees without impacting the relationship between the school and the daily operation of the library. The …

Budget development underway

Board of Education members are working on a budget for the coming school year that continues the district’s commitment to academic rigor while meeting the needs of a growing population. Budget work is still underway with workshops planned for March 10 and March 24 at the school. Budget workshops begin at either 6:30 p.m. or …

Program helps Menands School students LEAD the way

An innovative program being taught by Menands police officers is helping Menands School students make the right decisions in life, whether it’s in their educational or personal lives. Law Enforcement Against Drugs & Violence, better known by the acronym LEAD, is in its second year at the school. Initially, the program was launched for Menands …

Menands youth shine a light on the contributions of African American inventors

Fourth grade students in Menands are shining a light on the work of African American inventors during the school’s Black History Month. Students in Christina Rowland’s class are learning about the work of 19th century inventor Lewis Howard Latimer. Latimer is famous for inventions such as an evaporative air conditioner, an improved toilet system for …

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