Menands Union Free School District
Board of Education
August 10, 2020
Regular Meeting – 6:30 p.m.
Live Stream/Video Conferencing
Please note: During the Public Comment Sessions, members of the community may address the Board on agenda and non-agenda items. The Board President may limit remarks of individual speakers to a reasonable time. Speakers must identify themselves and the topic on which they would like to make remarks.
1. Meeting Called to Order Time: 6:34
2. Motion to enter public session
Motion: Mrs. Jaskula Ayes: 4
Second: Mr. Diefenderfer Nays: 0
3. Roll Call
- Mr. Masline Present via webex
- Mr. Nevins Present via webex
- Mrs. Wilson Present via webex
- Mrs. Jaskula Present via webex
- Mr. Diefenderfer Present via webex
4. Pledge of Allegiance
Moment of silence
5. Comments from the public on agenda items
Just a reminder for those members of the public in attendance. This is one of two opportunities afforded members of the public to comment on or inquire about agenda items. Members of the public also have an opportunity at the end of the evening’s agenda to ask questions or voice concerns or comments on matters not formally noted on the agenda. We appreciate everyone’s cooperation.
No Comments
6. Approval of minutes
Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District accept the minutes of both the July 13, 2020 Reorganizational Board Meeting and Regular Board Meeting as amended.
Motion: Mrs. Jaskula Ayes: 4
Second: Mr. Diefenderfer Nays: 0
7. Communication to the Board
Letter from Jeff Masline
8. Business Matters
Discussion Items
School Reopening- Dr. Long said that the first public forum went well. It is a great opportunity to ask questions and get information about the reopening of school. Dates and questions and answers will be on the website. The board thanked everyone that participated.
Business Office for Information
Enclosed for the information of the Board are copies of the warrants for July 2020. 2,3 and 4 Fund A , 1,2 Fund EC and 1 and 2 Fund H.
Business Office for Approval
Budget Transfers June and July 2020
Resolution BE IT RESOLVED that the authorization of the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve the enclosed budget transfers for June and July 2020.
Motion: Mr. Diefenderfer Ayes: 4
Second: Mrs. Wilson Nays: 0
Treasurer’s Reports
Enclosed are the Treasurer’s Report for the months of June and July 2020.
Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve the Treasurer’s Report for the months of June and July 2020.
Motion: Mrs. Wilson Ayes: 4
Second: Mr. Nevins Nays: 0
Change Orders
Resolution be it Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, hereby approve the following change orders.
Original Amount
Approved Changes
Adjusted Contracts
Bunkoff General Contractors, Inc
Motion: Mr. Nevins Ayes: 4
Second: Mrs. Jaskula Nays: 0
Tax Rate for 2020-2021
Enclosed is a memo from Mrs. Cietek dated August 4, 2020 outlining the 2020-2021 tax rate.
Resolution WHEREAS the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District has been authorized by the voters at the Annual School District Meeting to raise for the budget of the 2020-2021 school year a sum not to exceed $9,824,370.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education fix the equalized tax rates by towns and confirm the extension of the taxes as they appear on the following tax roll:
Name of Town Assessed Valuation Tax Rate Total
Colonie $249,948,814 $28.914418 7,236,094
Motion: Mrs. Jaskula Ayes: 4
Second: Mr. Diefenderfer Nays: 0
2020-2021 Safety Plan
School Districts must update, and Boards of Education must annually approve District Safety Plans. Mrs. Schroeder and Mrs. Cannavo have updated the plan to reflect current information and it is Dr. Long’s recommendation that the Board approves the plan.
Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approves the 2020-2021 District Safety Plan as recommended by the Superintendent.
Motion: Mr. Diefenderfer Ayes: 4
Second: Mrs. Wilson Nays: 0
Approval of Reopening Plan
Resolution Be It Resolved, that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the Re-Opening Plan developed for the Menands Union Free School District for the 2020-2021school year and hereby authorizes the Superintendent of schools to amend, modify and/or update the Re-Opening Plan as needed subject to further Board approval in the event of substantial revisions to the plan.
The Board had some discussion about the reopening plan
Motion: Mrs. Wilson Ayes: 4
Second: Mr. Nevins Nays: 0
Contracts for Approval
Free and Reduced Lunch Program
Enclosed for the information of the Board is the Policy Statement for Free and Reduced Price Meals Program.
Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve district participation in the free and reduced lunch program and adopts the family eligibility criteria to assist in determining eligibility for the 2020-2021 school year.
Motion: Mr. Nevins Ayes: 4
Second: Mrs. Jaskula Nays: 0
Advanced Therapy- Special Education Services Contract
Enclosed for the board is a copy of the Advanced Therapy contract for physical therapy and occupational therapy services for the 2020-2021 school year.
Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve the contract between Menands School and Advanced Therapy for the 2020-2021 school year as per the attached agreement.
Motion: Mrs. Jaskula Ayes: 4
Second: Mr. Diefenderfer Nays: 0
Wildwood School – Agreement for Services 2020-2021
Enclosed for the Board is a copy of the Wildwood School Agreement for Services contract for the 2020-2021 school year..
Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve the Agreement for Services between Menands School and the Wildwood School for the 2020-2021 school year as per the attached agreement.
Motion: Mr. Diefenderfer Ayes: 4
Second: Mrs. Wilson Nays: 0
Crossroads Center for Children – Special Education Services Contract
Enclosed for the board if a copy of the Crossroads Center for Children contract for Special Education services for the 2020-2021 school year.
Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve the contract between Menands School and Crossroads Center for Children for the 2020-2021 school year as per the attached agreement.
Motion: Mrs. Wilson Ayes: 4
Second: Mr. Nevins Nays: 0
Behavioral Transformations Licensed Applied Behavior Analysis Services, PLLC
Enclosed for the Board is a copy of the Behavioral Transformations Licensed Applied Behavior Analysis Services, PLLC to provide support services for behavioral challenges for the 2020-2021 school year.
Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve the contract between Menands School and Behavioral Transformations Licensed Applied Behavior Analysis for the 2020-2021 school year as per attached contract.
Motion: Mr. Nevins Ayes: 4
Second: Mrs. Jaskula Nays: 0
9. Policy
Policy # 5300- Annual approval of Code of Conduct
There were no changes from prior year.
Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District hereby accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the 2020-2021 Code of Conduct.
Mr. Diefenderfer asked if this was is still on a list to be revised.
Motion: Mrs. Jaskula Ayes: 4
Second: Mr. Diefenderfer Nays: 0
10. Personnel Matters
Teacher Aide – Katelyn Schwartz
Enclosed for the Board is a letter from Katelyn Schwartz, dated August 5, 2020 resigning from her position as a Teacher Aide from the Menands Union Free School District effective immediately.
Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District accept the letter of resignation from Katelyn Schwartz, dated August 5, 2020, resigning from her position as a Teacher Aide from the Menands Union Free School District effective immediately.
Dr. Long and the Board thanked Katie for her service at Menands.
Motion: Mr. Diefenderfer Ayes: 4
Second: Mrs. Wilson Nays: 0
1 FTE Probationary Special Education Teacher – Caroline Hampton
Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District does hereby appoint Caroline Hampton to a 4-year probationary appointment in the Special Education tenure area on MS Step 1 of the current Menands Association of Teachers Salary Schedule. Ms.Hampton holds a NYS teaching certificate in Special Education, Elementary Education and Literacy. Ms. Hampton’s probationary period will begin on September 1, 2020 and will end on or about August 31, 2024. A copy of Ms. Hampton’s resume has been included for the Board.
Mr. Masline said welcome to Menands.
Motion: Mrs. Wilson Ayes: 4
Second: Mr. Nevins Nays: 0
1 FTE Probationary Elementary Appointment – Domenica Hallett
Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District does hereby appoint Domenica Hallett to a 4-year probationary appointment in the Elementary Education tenure area on Step 5 of the current Menands Association of Teachers Salary Schedule. Ms. Hallett holds a NYS teaching certificate in Elementary and Special Education. Ms. Hallett’s probationary period will begin on September 1, 2020 and will end on or about August 31, 2024. A copy of Ms. Hallett’s resume has been included for the Board.
Mr. Masline said welcome to Menands
Motion: Mr. Nevins Ayes: 4
Second: Mrs. Jaskula Nays: 0
1 FTE Probationary Social Worker- Ashley Mondini
Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District does hereby appoint Ashley Mondini to a 4-year probationary appointment in the School Social Worker tenure area on Step 1 of the current Menands Association of Teachers Salary Schedule. Ms. Mondini is a Licensed Social Worker and holds a Provisional School Social Worker Certificate.. Ms. Mondini’s probationary period will begin on September 1, 2020 and will end on or about August 31, 2024. A copy of Ms.Mondini’s resume is attached.
Mr. Masline said welcome to Menands.
Motion: Mrs. Jaskula Ayes: 4
Second: Mr. Diefenderfer Nays: 0
Coordinator of Pupil Personnel Services- Meghan Amatrano
Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District does hereby appoint Meghan Amatrano to a 4-year probationary appointment in the tenure area of Administration, effective August 11, 2020. Salary will be in accordance with the Terms of Employment Agreement. Ms. Amatrano’s probationary period will begin on August 11, 2020 and will end on August 10, 2024.
Mr. Masline thanked Ms. Armatrano for her continued good work.
Motion: Mr. Diefenderfer Ayes: 4
Second: Mrs. Wilson Nays: 0
11. Board of Education Matters
CSE/CPSE Recommendations
Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve the CSE/CPSE recommendations as submitted.
Motion: Mrs. Wilson Ayes: 4
Second: Mr. Nevins Nays: 0
Substitute Teachers – Fully Cleared
Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve the following substitute teachers for the 2020-2021 school year as listed.
- Thomas Hunter
- Elizabeth Jones
- Amanda Morris
- Erica Palmer
- Samuel Salvagni
- Tatiana Schynoll
- Carline Smith
- Shakeyas York
Motion: Mr. Nevins Ayes: 4
Second: Mrs. Jaskula Nays: 0
School Calendar 2020-2021
Enclosed please find the revised 2020-2021 school calendar.
Calendar was not included in the packet
Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve the revised 2020-2021 calendar. The start of the year was changed to September 14, 2020. Four extra professional development Days were added.
Motion: Mrs. Jaskula Ayes: 4
Second: Mr. Diefenderfer Nays: 0
School District Calendar 2020-2021
Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approves the authorization of the Superintendent of schools to modify the Menands Union Free School District 2020-2021 calendar, as approved by the Board of Education, as needed.
Motion: Mr. Diefenderfer Ayes: 4
Second: Mrs. Wilson Nays: 0
Annual Fire Inspection
The annual fire inspection of the Menands Union Free District was conducted on January 27, 2020. The report is filed in the office of the Business Manager.
12. Superintendent’s Comments
Village Conversation- Dr. Long said that they had a very positive meeting at the Village meeting. Good turn out and hopefully they will continue.
Building Project- Dr. Long said that she is happy with the progress that has been made. There are some final things to wrap up and hopes that the September board meeting can be in the new space in person.
13. Informational Material
Next Board of Education Meeting – August 24, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.
14. Miscellaneous
Mrs. Jaskula said that the Census Grant that was applied for is on hold due to COVID. They informed Albany county that they are still interested in the grant.
15. Public Comment
Please Note: During the Public Comment Sessions, members of the community may address the Board on agenda and non-agenda items. The Board President may limit remarks of individual speakers to a reasonable time. Speakers must identify themselves and the topic on which they would like to make remarks.
No public comment
Mr. Masline had information in regards to remote learning.
*The Board of Education may enter into Executive Session .
16. Motion to Adjourn
Motion: Mr. Diefenderfer Ayes: 4
Second: Mrs. Jaskula Nays: 0
*All minutes of Board of Education meetings are recorded and become public record upon approval by the Board.
Respectfully submitted by
Jeanne Mentiply
District Clerk