December 14, 2020 Minutes

Menands Union Free School District

Board Of Education

December 14, 2020

6:30 p.m. – Regular Meeting

In person and via live stream

Please note:  During the Public Comment Sessions, members of the community may address the Board on agenda and non-agenda items.  The Board President may limit remarks of individual speakers to a reasonable time.  Speakers must identify themselves and the topic on which they would like to make remarks.  

1. Meeting Called to Order                                                                           Time: 6:34

Motion: Mrs. Jaskula Ayes: 4

Second: Mr. Diefenderfer Nays: 0

2. Roll Call

  • Mr. Masline          Present
  • Mr. Nevins           Present 
  • Mrs. Wilson        Present 
  • Mrs. Jaskula           Present 
  • Mr. Diefenderfer Present 


3. Pledge of Allegiance

Moment of Silence

4. Comments From The Public On Agenda Items

*comments can be made at

Just a reminder for those members of the public in attendance.  This is one of 

two opportunities afforded members of the public to comment on or inquire about agenda items. Members of the public also have an opportunity at the end of the evening’s agenda to ask questions or voice concerns or comments on matters not formally noted on the agenda.  We appreciate everyone’s cooperation.

No comments at this time

5. Approval Of Minutes

Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District accept the minutes from the November 9, 2020 meeting.

Motion: Mrs. Jaskula Ayes: 4

Second: Mr. Diefenderfer Nays: 0

6. Business Matters

Discussion Items  

Board member term length – Mr. Masline discussed the possibility of changing from a five year term to a three year term for the newly elected board of education members. The board agreed that they would like to gather more information and have further discussion in the future.

Business Office for Information

Enclosed for the information of the Board are copies of warrants:

General Fund A  # 21 and 24. Capital Fund H #10,11 and 12.


Business Office for Approval

Budget Transfer – November 2020

Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve the attached budget transfers for November 2020.

Motion: Mr. Defenderfer Ayes: 4

Second: Mrs. Wilson Nays: 0


Treasurer’s Report

Enclosed for the Board’s approval is a copy of the Treasurer’s Report for the month ending November 30, 2020.

Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve the Treasurer’s Report for the month ending November 30, 2020.

Motion: Mrs. Wilson Ayes: 4

Second: Mr. Nevins Nays: 0


District Management Response Letter

         Enclosed for the Board’s approval is the district’s response to the Management Letter for the external audit  completed by West & Co., CPS’s for the year ended 6/30/2020. 


Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve the district’s response to the Management Letter items noted in our audited  financial statements as of June, 30, 2020. 

Motion: Mr. Nevins Ayes: 4

Second: Mrs. Jaskula Nays: 0


2021-2022 Budget Calendar

Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, hereby approves the attached 2021-2022 Budget Calendar for the purpose of developing the school budget.

Motion: Mrs. Jaskula Ayes: 4

Second: Mr. Diefenderfer Nays: 0


Tax Collector’s Report

Enclosed for the information of the Board is the Town of Colonie 2020-2021 School Tax Collection Report and affidavit of Collector C. Michele Zilgme, Town of Colonie, of the warrant in the amount $7,141,436.10. $7,026,647.37 was collected and transferred and $114,788.73 was uncollected.  The Tax Collection Report is available for review upon request.

Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District accept the Tax Collection Report as submitted; the affidavit to be signed by each Board member. 

Motion: Mr. Diefenderfer Ayes: 4

Second: Mrs. Wilson Nays: 0

Tax Refund – Small Claims Assessment Review Settlement

Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, hereby approve the tax refund in the amount of $1,835.17 as a result of the assessment review of filing # AR54-20. 

Motion: Mrs. Wilson Ayes: 4

Second: Mr. Nevins Nays: 0

Tax Refund-Stipulation and Order Settlement 

Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, hereby approve the tax refund in the amount of $1,620.86 as a result of the assessment review of filing index # 905486-20.

Motion: Mr. Nevins Ayes: 3

Second: Mrs. Jaskula Nays: 1


2020-2021 Memorandum of Understanding Between The County of Albany and The Menands Union Free School District for the Provision of COVID-19 Testing at Local Schools

Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, hereby approve the Memorandum of Understanding between Menands Union Free School District and Albany County  for the provision of COVID-19 testing for the 2020-2021 school year.

Dr. Long thanked Albany County for all of their assistance through this time. 

Motion: Mrs. Jaskula Ayes: 4

Second: Mr. Diefenderfer Nays: 0

Revised 2020-2021 Intermunicipal Agreement (Technology Services)- South Colonie Central School District.

Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve the revised intermunicipal agreement for technology services between Menands UFSD and the South Colonie Central School District  for the 2020-2021 school year. 

Motion: Mr. Diefenderfer Ayes: 4

Second: Mrs. Wilson Nays: 0



Resolution    Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School  District accepts the following donations as listed.

  • CAPCOM- 13 Thanksgiving meals
  • Neary Group LLC- $500 Holiday giving.
  • Simmons Tool Company- $470 and 16 $50 Price Chopper gift cards Holiday giving


Dr. Long and the board thanked everyone for their generous donations.

Motion: Mrs. Wilson Ayes: 4

Second: Mr. Nevins Nays: 0

Disposal of Items  

Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education in accordance with district policy 6900 authorize the disposition of the following item(s):

  • 1-T16828- Dell Laptop Latitude 620 

Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve the disposal of item(s),as liseted which cease to be of use or of value to the district. 

Motion: Mr. Nevins Ayes: 4

Second: Mrs. Jaskula Nays: 0

7. Personnel Matters


Dr. Maureen Long – Employment Agreement

Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve the employment agreement between the School District and Superintendent Dr. Maureen Long, for the period July 1, 2020 and through July 27, 2023. The President of the Board of Education is hereby authorized to execute such employment agreement on behalf of the School District.

Motion: Mrs. Jaskula Ayes: 3

Second: Mr. Diefenderfer Nays: 1


Tenure Recommendation – Katherine Nersesian-Elementary Education Teacher

It is the Superintendent’s recommendation that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District grant tenure to Katherine Nersesian in the Elementary Education tenure area effective January 1, 2021.

Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District grant tenure to Katherine Nersesian in the Elementary Education tenure area effective January 1,2021.

Dr. Long and the board congratulated Mrs. Nersesian.

Motion: Mr. Diefenderfer Ayes: 4

Second: Mrs. Wilson Nays: 0

Substitute Food Service Helper-  Christian Calderon

Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve Christian Calderon as a Substitute Food Service Helper for the 2020-2021School year. 

Motion: Mrs. Wilson Ayes: 4

Second: Mr. Nevins Nays: 0

Substitute Clerical Worker- Ashley Jewett

Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve Ashley Jewett as a Substitute clerical worker for the 2020-2021School year. 

Motion: Mr. Nevins Ayes: 4

Second: Mrs. Jaskula Nays: 0



Substitute Teachers – Fully Cleared

Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve the following substitute teachers for the 2020-2021 school year.  

  • Crystal Alesio
  • Bryana Eves
  • John Henkes
  • Jessica Mosher
  • John Bessette
  • Nathan Farrell
  • Kerri LeMay
  • Joseph Palladino
  • Diana Buffa
  • Daniel Gorman
  • Willaim Lindau
  • Ghazala Shahid
  • Faith Caster
  • Katherine Harmon
  • Shawn Miller
  • Sarah Webber


Motion: Mrs. Jaskula Ayes: 4

Second: Mr. Diefenderfer Nays: 0

Increase Existing Compensation Time

Increase the compensation time from the existing 40 hours per year to “Not to exceed” 80 hours per year for the Head Cook. 

Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve the increased amount of  compensation from 40 hours per year to “Not to exceed” 80 hours per year for the Head Cook. 

Dr. Long and the board thanked Mr. Tehan for all of his hard work.

Motion: Mr. Diefenderfer Ayes: 4

Second: Mrs. Wilson Nays: 0


8. Board Of Education Matters


CSE/CPSE Recommendations

Resolution per  Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School  District approve the CSE/CPSE recommendations as submitted.  


 Motion: Mrs. Wilson Ayes: 4

Second: Mr. Nevins Nays: 0

 9.  Student Matters

Class Size Update as of 12/8/2020:

          In person:          Virtual:                      In person:          Virtual:

  • Kdg. – 19                            19                        Gr. 5 – 9                     10
  • Gr. 1 – 27                             18                       Gr. 6 – 20                   16 
  • Gr. 2 – 17                             21                       Gr. 7 – 19                     12
  • Gr. 3 – 18                             14                      Gr. 8 – 22                      9 
  • Gr. 4 – 17                             18                  Total-168               Total – 137

                                                                                 Total Students: 305

10. Superintendent’s Comments 

  • January Curriculum presentation to the Board of Education- Mrs. Cannavo, Mrs. Ball and Mr. Schweizer will give a presentation in regards to the Social Studies program that is taught in the Middle School.
  • Required COVID testing in schools- Dr. Long gave an overview of what the process will be if the school needs to provide testing.
  • Board Retreat / Goal Setting- Dr. Long thanked everyone for attending the retreat. She said that she was pleased with the event and looks forward to continuing the process.
  • Happy Holidays- Dr. Long wished everyone a happy holiday. 

11. Principal’s Comments

  • Remote Learning Day-  Mrs. Cannavo said that the remote learning day went well and it was good to have a chance to see how things went in case the school needs to move to remote learning.
  • Picture Day- Mrs. Cannavo said that they offered pictures to be taken for in school and remote students. She said that it was nice to see the students that are remote come in.
  • End of Trimester 1 and Quarter 1- Mrs. Cannavo said that it has been a long quarter and thanked everyone for all of their hard work. She is looking forward to having some students back in school for the next quarter.
  • Parent-Teacher Conferences- Wednesday will be a half day for the students and the teachers will hold remote conferences. 
    Dr. Long said that it was great to see how excited the students that returned were.


12. Miscellaneous


Mr. Nevins said that he has changed his thoughts on having the children in school instead of  remote learning. He said there seem to be less positive cases in school. He thanked the staff for doing a good job.

Mrs. Jaskula thanked everyone that participated in the Ronald McDonald Readathon this year to raise money for a good cause. 


Mrs. Wilson thanked everyone that worked hard to implement the necessary changes to bring students back to school this quarter.

Mr. Diefenderfer thanked everyone for doing a great job this year.

Mr. Masline wished everyone a happy holiday and thanked everyone for all of their hard work this year. It is appreciated. 


13. Informational Material

  • Parent Teacher Conference Early Release- Wednesday December 16, 11:20-11:35 K-5, 12:00 all Middle School. 
  • Holiday Recess- December 24- January 1, No School
  • Next Board of Education Meeting- Monday January 11 at 6:30

14. Public Comment

Please Note:  During the Public Comment Sessions, members of the community may address the Board on agenda and non-agenda items.  The Board President may limit remarks of individual speakers to a reasonable time.  Speakers must identify themselves and the topic on which they would like to make remarks.

Vanessa Mercado asked how the COVID testing would work if it became necessary. 

Dr. Long said that it would be random for staff and students.

Vanessa Mercado asked when the Middle School Survey would be available.

Dr. Long said no set date yet it will be soon after the break.

Mr. Masline thanked everyone for participating in the retreat. He was glad to see the  process begin to plan for the future of the district.

He asked Mrs.Cietek about the Transportation Aid and ERS Billing. She responded that it has been  processed.


15. Motion to Adjourn                                              Time: 7:32

Motion: Mrs. Jaskula Ayes: 4

Second: Mr. Diefenderfer Nays: 0


*All minutes of Board of Education meetings are recorded and become public record upon approval by the Board.