Menands Union Free School District
Board Of Education
January 11, 2021
6:30 p.m. – Regular Meeting
Livestream / Video Conferencing
Budget Workshop Immediately Following Regular Meeting
Please Note: During the Public Comment Sessions, members of the community may address the Board on agenda and non-agenda items. The Board President may limit remarks of individual speakers to a reasonable time. Speakers must identify themselves and the topic on which they would like to make remarks.
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Motion To Enter Public Session
Motion: Mrs. Jaskula Ayes: 4 Time: 6:36
Second: Mr. Diefenderfer Nays: 0
3. Roll Call
- Mr. Masline Present
- Mr. Nevins Present
- Mrs. Wilson Present
- Mrs. Jaskula Present Joined at 6:41
- Mr. Diefenderfer Present
4. Pledge Of Allegiance
5. Comments From The Public On Agenda Items
Just a reminder for those members of the public in attendance. This is one of two opportunities afforded members of the public to comment on or inquire about agenda items. Members of the public also have an opportunity at the end of the evening’s agenda to ask questions or voice concerns or comments on matters not formally noted on the agenda. We appreciate everyone’s cooperation. No comments
6. Approval Of Minutes
Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District accept the minutes of the December 14, 2020 meeting.
Motion: Mrs. Jaskula Ayes: 4
Second: Mr. Diefenderfer Nays: 0
7. Communication To The Board Of Education
Menands School Yearbook Club
Mrs. Wilson will collect the donations for the Board
8. Business Matters
Discussion Item
Claims Auditor Annual Presentation- Michael Wolff- Mr. Wolff gave a presentation to the board in regards to accounts payable.
Follow up on the BOE Retreat – Mr. Masline said that the next step will be to work with CASDA to create the district plan.
Curriculum Report Middle School Social Studies and English Language Arts- Mrs. Ball and Mr. Schweizer gave a presentation to the board about what is included in the middle school English Language Arts and Social Studies curriculum.
Business Office for Information
Enclosed for the information of the Board are copies of the following warrants for the month of December 2020:
Fund A Amount
Warrant #26 $10,751.01
Warrant #27 $16,334.53
Warrant #28 $33,037.63
Warrant #31 $213,121.05
Warrant #33 $21,126.83
Fund H
Warrant #13 $16,021.31
Business Office for Approval
Budget Transfer – December 2020
Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve the attached budget transfers for December 2020.
Motion: Mr. Diefenderfer Ayes: 4
Second: Mrs. Wilson Nays: 0
Treasurer’s Report
Enclosed for the Board’s approval is a copy of the Treasurer’s Report for the month ending December 31, 2020.
Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve the Treasurer’s Report for the month ending December 31, 2020.
Motion: Mrs. Wilson Ayes: 4
Second: Mr. Nevins Nays: 0
Establishment of non-resident tuition rates for McKinney Vento reimbursement purposes in circumstances where students protected under the McKinney Vento legislation move to permanent housing outside of the Menands Union Free School District, but choose to remain at Menands School, we are able to directly bill the new district of residence. To do so we must utilize Board approved tuition rates.
Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District establish the following estimated non resident tuition rates for the 2020-2021 school year.
- K-6 Regular Ed. – $12,424.00
- Gr. 7-8 Regular Ed. – $19,541.00
- Gr. K-6 Special Ed. – $55,754.00
- Gr. 7-8 Special Ed. – $62,871.00
Motion: Mr. Nevins Ayes: 4
Second: Mrs. Jaskula Nays: 0
Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District accepts the following donations as listed.
- Heim’s AutoCare Inc. – $150 Holiday giving and student needs.
- Simmons Tool Company- $1,630.00 Holiday giving and student needs.
- Pay It Forward Together- Various school supplies.
The board thanked everyone for their generous donations.
Motion: Mrs. Jaskula Ayes: 4
Second: Mr. Diefenderfer Nays: 0
Contracts For Approval
Parsons Child and Family Center – Agreement for Services 2020-2021
Enclosed for the Board is a copy of the Agreement between the Menands Union Free School District and Parsons Child and Family Center.
Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve the Agreement for Services between the Menands Union Free School District and Parsons Child and Family Center for the 2020-2021 school year as per the attached agreement.
Motion: Mr. Diefenderfer Ayes: 4
Second: Mrs. Wilson Nays: 0
9. Personnel Matters
Certified Healthcare Substitute- Ryan Handerhan
Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve Ryan Handerhan as a Certified Healthcare Substitute for the 2020-2021 school year.
Motion: Mrs. Wilson Ayes: 4
Second: Mr. Nevins Nays: 0
Substitute Custodian – Philip Lipscomb
Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve Philip Lipscomb as a substitute custodian for the 2020-2021 school year.
Motion: Mr. Nevins Ayes: 4
Second: Mrs. Jaskula Nays: 0
Substitute Teacher – Agenta Russo
Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve Agenta Russo as a substitute teacher for the 2020-2021 school year.
Motion: Mrs. Jaskula Ayes: 4
Second: Mr. Diefenderfer Nays: 0
10. Board Of Education Matters
CSE/CPSE Recommendations
Resolution Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve the CSE/CPSE recommendations as submitted.
Motion: Mr. Diefenderfer Ayes: 4
Second: Mrs. Wilson Nays: 0
11. Student Matters
Class Size Update as of 1/6/2020:
In person: Virtual: In person: Virtual:
Kdg. – 21 17 Gr. 5 – 10 9
Gr. 1 – 26 17 Gr. 6 – 18 19
Gr. 2 – 22 16 Gr. 7 – 19 13
Gr. 3 – 21 12 Gr. 8 – 24 8
Gr. 4 – 17 19 Total-178 Total – 130
Total Students: 308
12. Superindendant’s Comments
COVID updates- Dr. Long said that the district is ready to start COVID testing if it is deemed necessary according to the county guidelines.
Middle School Change in Instruction Option-Dr. Long said that the survey will close at the end of the week. The data will be reviewed to ensure that the necessary accommodations will be made for the changing number of students.
Building Conditions Survey- CSARCH began conducting the building survey and will prese results of the survey at the March board meeting.
13. Principal’s Comments
December parent teacher conferences- Mrs. Cannavo said that the virtual conferences went well and said it is nice to see the staff and families connect.
Winter Spirit Week- Mrs. Cannavo said that it was nice to see the students and staff have some fun before the holiday break.
Update for K-5 Students- Mrs. Cannavo said that it was great to see some more children return to in school learning.
High School Fair- Mrs. Cannavo thanked Mrs. Vandenberg and everyone that helped to make the highschool fair a success.
14. Informational Material
1/18/21- Martin Luther King Jr. Day – No School
Next Board of Education Meeting: Monday, February 8, 2021 at 6:30pm
15. Miscellaneous
Mr. Diefenderfer thanked Dr. Long for keeping everyone informed of any changes that come about and getting information out to the families.
Mr. Neveins voiced his concerns about families in the community that may be in need during these hard times. Dr. Long said that they have a very strong support within the school district to recognize the needs of families and to help get them some of the services that they might need.
Mr. Masline informed the board of some upcoming conferences that they might be interested in attending.
16. Public Comment
Please Note: During the Public Comment Sessions, members of the community may address the Board on agenda and non-agenda items. The Board President may limit remarks of individual speakers to a reasonable time. Speakers must identify themselves and the topic on which they would like to make remarks.
Mrs. Mercado thanked Mrs. Canavo for reading a story to the kids each night of the holiday break on the Menands website.
17. Motion To Adjourn Public Session
Motion: Mrs. Jaskula Ayes: 4 Time: 8:14
Second: Mr. Diefenderfer Nays: 0
Budget Workshop
*All minutes of Board of Education meetings are recorded and become public record upon approval by the Board.
Respectfully submitted by: Jeanne Mentiply
District Clerk