Menands Union Free School District
Board of Education Regular Meeting Agenda
July 11, 2022
Please Note: During the Public Comment Sessions, members of the community may address the Board on agenda and non-agenda items. The Board President may limit remarks of individual speakers to a reasonable time. Speakers must identify themselves and the topic on which they would
like to make remarks.
1. Regular Meeting Called to Order
2. Motion to Enter Public Session
3. Roll Call
4. Pledge of Allegiance
5. Comment From The Public on Agenda Items
Just a reminder for those members of the public in attendance. This is one of two opportunities afforded members of the public to comment on or inquire about agenda items. Members of the public also have an opportunity at the end of the evening’s agenda to comment On matters not formally noted on the agenda. We appreciate everyone’s cooperation.
6. Approval of Minutes
Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District
accept the minutes of the June 13, 2022 meeting.
7. Discussion Items
I. Superintendents Reports and Updates
A. Collaboration with the Village
B. Policy #5152 Admission of Non-Resident Students
C. Transition to Board Docs
8. Communication to the Board
I. Communication from Ms. Delancy
9. Board of Education for Approval
I. Board Member Attendance by Videoconference Under Extraordinary Circumstances
Whereas, Chapter 56 of the Laws of 2022 (“Chapter 56”) added a new Section 103-a of the Public Officers Law permitting the Board of Education (“Board”) of the MenandsUnion Free School District (“District”) to authorize its members to attend meetings by video conferencing under extraordinary circumstances; and
Whereas, Section 103-a(2)(a) requires the Board to adopt a resolution following a public hearing authorizing the limited use of videoconferencing under such circumstances; and
Whereas, Section 103-a(2) allows for hybrid meetings by requiring “that a minimum number of members are present to fulfill the public body’s quorum requirement in the same physical location or locations where the public can attend”; and
Whereas, Section 103-a(2)(c) requires that members be physically present at any such meeting “unless such member is unable to be physically present at any such meeting location due to extraordinary circumstances . . . including disability, illness, caregiving responsibilities, or any other significant or unexpected factor or event which precludes the member’s physical attendance at such meeting”; and
Whereas, in accordance with Section 103-a(2)(d), any members attending by videoconference must, except during executive session, be “heard, seen and identified, while the meeting is being conducted, including but not limited to any motions, proposals, resolutions, and any other matter formally discussed or voted upon”; and
Whereas, Section 103-a(2)(g) requires that any meeting where a member attends by videoconference be recorded, posted to the District’s webpage within five business days, and transcribed upon request; and
Whereas, Section 103-a(2)(h) requires that members of the public be permitted to attend and participate, if authorized, in any meeting by videoconference when a member attends by videoconference;
Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the Board authorizes its members who experience an extraordinary circumstance, as described above and further defined by the rules or written procedures herein adopted, to attend meetings by videoconference: (i) as long as a quorum of the members attend in-person at one or more locations open to the public; (ii) as long as the member can be seen, heard, and identified while the open portion of the meeting is being conducted; and (iii) as otherwise permitted under Section 103-a of the Public Officers Law; and be it further
Resolved, that such authorization shall also apply to meetings of any Board committees subject to the requirements of the Open Meetings Law; and be it further
Resolved, that effective immediately, the Board hereby adopts the written procedures attached hereto governing its use of videoconferencing by its members in compliance with Public Officers Law § 103-a.
10. Business Matters
I. Business Office – Non-Action Items
Enclosed for the information of the Board are copies of the following warrants and the claims auditor Report for the month of June 2022:
Fund A Amount
Warrant #58 $ 242,252.18
Warrant #59 $18,879.37
Warrant #62 $ 181,527.01
Warrant #64 $ 2,069.46
Warrant #65 $ 771,905.14
Fund EC Amount
Warrant #2 $ 5,984.00
Warrant #3 $ 1,173.41
II. Business Office – Action Items
A. Disposal of Items
Be it resolved that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approves the disposal: 1 faculty room paper shredder Tag # 00233
B. Reserve Transfers – June 2022
Be it resolved that the authorization of the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District be given to transfer up to $30,000 to the Employee Benefit Accrued Liability Reserve for the 2021-2022 school year.
Be it resolved that the authorization of the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District be given to transfer up to $56,000 to the TRS Reserve for the 2021-2022 school year.
Be it resolved that the authorization of the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District be given to transfer up to $100,000 to the Capital Fund Reserve for the 2021-2022 school year.
Be it resolved that the authorization of the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District be given to transfer up to $30,000 to the ERS Retirement Reserve for the 2021-2022 school year.
C. Reserve Transfer – For the 2022-2023 School Year
Be it resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District authorizes any retiree sick and vacation payouts during the 2022-2023 school year from the Employee Benefit Accrued Liability Reserve.
D. Contracts for Approval
1. Achievements – Agreement for ESY Services 2022
Be it resolved that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board Of Education of the Menands Union Free School District hereby approves the contract for Extended school year services between Menands School and Achievements for the 2022 school year as per the attached agreement.
2. BOCES Cooperative Bidding and Purchasing
Be it resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District hereby adopts the BOCES cooperative bidding contract and food and cafeteria supplies cooperative bidding resolutions for the 2022-2023 school year.
3. AMSURE(Formally known as Adirondack Trust Insurance) Contract Renewal
Be it resolved that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District hereby approves the contract renewal with AMSURE Insurance for the 2022-2023 school year.
4. Health Services Contract – Albany City School District
28 students in the amount of $25,982.04
*The residence of the students has been verified.
Be it resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District hereby approves the 2021-2022 Health Services Contracts for students attending private or parochial schools as listed.
5. St. Catherine’s Center for Children – Agreement for ESY Services 2022
Be it resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approves the Agreement for Extended school year services between the Menands Union Free School District and St. Catherine’s Center for Children for the 2022 school year as per the attached agreement.
6. Bernard P. Donegan, INC Contract for Municipal Advisor Services
Be it resolved that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District hereby approves the contract renewal with Bernard P. Donegan INC.
E. BOCES Contracts for Approval
1. Preliminary BOCES AS-7 Contract for 2022-2023 Services
Be it resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District hereby approves the attached Preliminary AS-7 Contract for 2022-2023 Services.
2. Final BOCES AS-7 Contract for 2021-2022 Services
Be it resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District hereby approves the attached Final AS-7 Contract for 2021-2022 Services.
11. Policy
I. Final Reading of Policies
Be it resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District, upon recommendation of the Policy Committee, approve the final reading of the following policies.
4321.4 Independent Educational Evaluations
4326 Programs For English Language Learners
4513 Library Materials Selection
1420 Complaints About Curricula Or Instructional Materials
4532 School Volunteers
4710 Grading Systems
4730 HomeWork
4810 Teaching About Controversial Issues
4821 School Ceremonies And Observances
II. First Reading of Policies
Be it resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District, upon recommendation of the Policy Committee, approve the first reading of the following policies.
4000 Student Learning Objectives and District Instructional Goals
5000 Student Policy Goals
5030 Student Complaints and Grievances
5130 Compulsory Attendance Ages
5140 Entrance Age
5150 School Admission
5151 Homeless Children
5162 Student Dismissal Precautions
5220 School-Sponsored Student Expressions
12. Personnel Matters
I. Resignations
A. Coordinator of Pupil Personnel Services- Meghan Widrick
BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District accept the letter of resignation from Meghan Widrick, dated June 16, 2022, resigning from her position as Coordinator of Pupil Personnel Services from the Menands Union Free School District effective July 17th, 2022.
II. Appointments
A. Non Instructional Substitutes
Be it resolved that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District hereby approves the appointment of the following substitutes for the 2022-2023 school year as listed:
Lunch Aid/Food Service Worker: Daniel Carroll
Taj Buskey
Catherine Mattice
Larry Gardinier
Custodians: Dan Carroll
Larry Gardinier
Taj Buskey
Pierre Ponzo
Clerical: Janet Ramsay
Catherine Mattice
B. Substitute Teachers – Fully Cleared
Be it resolved that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District hereby approves the following substitute teachers for the 2021-2022 school year.
Brian Donovan
Sarah Mentiply
Jesse Yetto
C. Substitute Teachers – Fully Cleared and Substitute Teachers – BOCES
Be it resolved that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District hereby approves the re-appointment of all substitute teachers for the 2022- 2023 school year who were previously appointed through 6/30/22.
D. 1 FTE Social Worker- MEGHAN CAHILL
Be it resolved that the board of education of the Menands Union Free School District does hereby appoint Megan Cahill to a 4 year probationary appointment in the tenure area of School Social Worker, commencing on October 20, 2021 through October 19, 2025.
E. 1 FTE Probationary Spanish Appointment – Patrick Benoit
Be it resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District does hereby appoint Patrick Benoit to a 4-year probationary appointment in the 1 FTE Spanish tenure area. Mr. Benoit’s probationary period will begin on June 26, 2020 and will end on or about June 25, 2024.
F. 1 FTE Probationary Art Teacher- Ryan Gottcent
Be it resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District does hereby appoint Ryan Gottcent to a 4-year probationary appointment in the Art Education tenure area on Step 3,masters, of the current Menands Association of Teachers Salary Schedule. Mr. Gottcent holds the appropriate teaching certification. Mr. Gottcent’s probationary period will begin on September 1, 2022 and will end on or about August 31, 2026. A copy of Mr. Gottcent’s resume has been included for the Board.
G. Extended School Year Principal- Jennifer Cannavo
Be it resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District appoint Jennifer Cannavo as principal for the extended school year program with no additional renumeration.
H. Interim Coordinator of Pupil Personnel Services- Antonietta Schroeder
Be it resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District appoint Antonietta Schroeder as interim coordinator of PPS as needed for the 2022-2023 school year effective July 7, 2022 through June 30, 2023 at a daily rate of $400 per day for each day worked.
I. Consultant for Transition Purposes- Sue McCormick
Be it resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District authorize Sue McCormick to act in a consultant capacity, as may be requested by the Superintendent on an as needed basis, for the 2022-2023 school year. Such consultation shall be payable at $39.86 per hour.
J. Mentors
Be it resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve the following Mentors for the 2021-2022 school year.
- Gina Slyer
K. Additional Summer Hours
Be it resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District authorize the following to work additional hours over the summer to provide meals for children attending summer programs. Remuneration will be at their hourly rate as per the approved salary acknowledgement.
- Michael Tehan
- Tina Yanni
III. Unpaid Leave
A. Unpaid Leave of Absence – Sara Maldonado Elementary Teacher
Be it resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve the revised unpaid leave request from Sara Maldonado from September 1, 2022 through January 27, 2023.
13. Superintendent Recommendations Programs
A. CSE/CPSE Recommendations
Be it resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District hereby approves the CSE/CPSE recommendations as submitted.
14. Student Matters (Informational Item)
The total estimated enrollment for the 2022-2023 school year to date is 308 (this includes confirmed students for the incoming Pre-K and Kindergarten classes). 18 Pre-K and 40 kindergarten registrations as of 6/30/2022.
PK- 18
K- 40
1- 36
2- 31
3- 45
4- 37
5- 26
6- 29
7- 22
8- 35
15. Informational Material
Next Board of Education Meeting – August 8th at 6:30 p.m.
16. Miscellaneous
17. Public Comment
Please note: During the Public Comment Sessions, members of the community may address the Board on agenda and non-agenda items. The Board President may limit remarks of individual speakers to a reasonable time. Speakers must identify themselves and the topic on which they would like to make remarks. Any Board of Education member may choose to enter into Executive Session at this time if necessary.
18. Motion to Adjourn
*All minutes of Board of Education meetings are recorded and become public record upon approval by the Board.