Budget development underway

Student and teacher work closely together
Teacher Brianna McGlauflin work withs a young student in class recently.

Board of Education members are working on a budget for the coming school year that continues the district’s commitment to academic rigor while meeting the needs of a growing population.

Budget work is still underway with workshops planned for March 10 and March 24 at the school. Budget workshops begin at either 6:30 p.m. or immediately following the Board of Education meeting, which begins at 6:30 p.m. All meetings are live-streamed on the Menands Board of Education YouTube channel.

Superintendent Jennifer Cannavo said the budget, which at this time is $13.1 million, remains in draft form and will be changed prior to going before voters on May 20.

The final budget is expected to be within the district’s 4.14% property tax levy increase limit as determined by the state’s tax “cap” formula.

Several factors—not the least of which are New York state budget negotiations that will determine state aid—have yet to be determined.

Cannavo said the budget proposal in its current incarnation would:

  • Ensure the academic programs offer the appropriate rigor for all students.
  • Maintain extracurricular offerings across the entire student population.
  • Continue the commitment of all safety measures allowing both students and staff a safe place to teach and learn.
  • Continue support for updated curriculum for both ELA and math.
  • Include coaching and support for staff.
  • Continue the Riverside Collaboration that provides special education programming for some of our learners and students in other districts.

The district and board members are also exploring options on how it will continue to offer PreK in the district, with the Colonie Youth Center’s decision to not continue overseeing it.

“We are committed to ensure that this vital piece of the education puzzle is continued to be offered,” Cannavo said.