Special Board of Education meeting to be help Feb. 18
There will be a special Board of Education on Tuesday, February 18 at 5:30 p.m. in the Menands School Library. An agenda will be posted on the Board of Education page.
There will be a special Board of Education on Tuesday, February 18 at 5:30 p.m. in the Menands School Library. An agenda will be posted on the Board of Education page.
Destin Parsons is the new speech and language teacher at Menands School. She was appointed by the Board of Education earlier this month and started work immediately. Prior to joining Menands, Parsons worked as a speech therapist at A Child’s Place in Troy. A graduate of Long Island University and the College of St. Rose, …
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All students who require bussing for high schools, charter schools, or private schools need to submit a transportation request before April 1, 2025. The link below will take you to a Google form to request transportation. If you have any questions please email Trish O’Connell at toconnell@menands.org Transportation Request 2025-2026
Storm clouds were formed in a Menands third grade classroom on Monday, but the only thunder that could be heard was the rumbles of applause and shouts of awe as students reacted to an experiment conducted by WNYT news channel 13 meteorologist Reid Kisselback. Students in Stephanie Stanton’s and Jennifer Houbre’s classes started their school …
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The link to the budget workshop livestream is here A link to the slideshow is here
A panel of village residents, parents and school employees are exploring the long-term facility needs of the Menands School. The 15-member Facilities Committee, which began its work in late November, is planning to make recommendations to the Board of Education this March. Any projects the committee puts forth could go before voters in May, Superintendent …
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The Menands Board of Education approved on Jan. 13 a budget development calendar for the 2025-26 school year budget. The plan details the step-by-step approach the board will take in putting together a spending plan that will go to voting public for approval on May 20. The budget development calendar is as follows: Jan 27: …
A seventh grader has won the Menands School spelling bee. Cirai Haynes out-spelled 15 other students to win the championship on Dec. 11. Siva Saranya Karthika Chembeti, an 8th grade student, was runner-up. Haynes advances to the regional qualifier exam and if she places well in that, will compete in the Scripps Regional Spelling Bee. …
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It’s beginning to look like the holidays at Menands School where students are joining faculty and staff in decorating their classroom doors. In what has become an annual competition, each classroom decorates their door in holiday/winter theme with the class with the best decorated door winning a classroom party, plaque and movie. A walk through the …
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Elementary school students in Menands are ‘feline’ fine after helping animals that are being cared for by the Mohawk Hudson Humane Society. Students in the Pay It Forward club recently made blankets for cats at the shelter and then paid a visit to the shelter, said club advisor Shauna Stack. While at the shelter, the young …
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