Health Services

Menands’ goal is healthy children — which promotes learning and academic achievement. Together, we can reach this goal by adhering to the following guidelines:


Call or email Mrs. Roseberger (contact information at right), when your child will be absent.

Per Menands School Attendance Policy: An excuse written by a parent or guardian must be sent to school with the student on the next day they return to school. It is very important that parents and school staff cooperate in an effort to make sure all students are safe and accounted for each day of school.


Keep your child home if sick with fever, diarrhea, vomiting, or severe cold symptoms. Read our guidelines. If your child gets sick during the school day, I will call you. Be sure your child’s emergency contact information is correct and update as needed.

Special Health Needs

So that we may provide the best care for your child, please inform us of the following:

  • Food Allergy
  • Bee String Allergy
  • Allergy to any other medication
  • Difficulty with vision, hearing, or speech
  • Need for medication during the school day
  • Any medical diagnosis for which your child may take medication at home
  • Any head injury or concussion that occurs.

Medication in School

In order to have medication administered to your child while in school you MUST have the following:

  • A physician’s order completed by their doctor
  • Parent permission completed on the physician’s order form.
  • An adult MUST bring the medication into school
  • Medications must be in the original container

The above refers to ALL medications including over the counter medications that are used on an “as needed basis.”

Emergency Contact Information

It is important for your emergency contact information to be up-to-date. It is imperative to be able to reach an adult in the event of an emergency or early school closure. If you have any changes to your contact information please contact the school.

Accidents and Injuries in School

If an accident occurs in school, the parent/ guardian will be notified. The student will be treated with appropriate first aid measures until the parental authority can authorize further treatment.


Consult with your child’s pediatrician for immunization compliance.

Before school entry, all students must be immunized against DPT, Polio (3 doses), Hep B (3 doses), MMR (2 doses), and Varicella (1 dose).  A child will not be allowed to attend school without proper verification of the immunizations. Additionally, the Tdap booster and Varicella booster are required in sixth grade. Learn more about which health screenings are required by grade level. See right for required forms.

School Physician

The New York Education Law requires a physical exam for all new students upon entrance to school and routinely in Grades pre-K, K, 1, 3, 5 and 7. We encourage this to be done by your child ’s physician, as he /she can offer a more complete examination through his/her knowledge of your family. If a physical is done by our school physician you will be notified in writing of any abnormal findings.

Dental Certificates

Dental Health is important to your child’s overall health. Please have your child’s dentist fill out the Dental Health Form at your next visit. If you need assistance obtaining Dental care please contact the Health Office. This is not a requirement for your child to enter school.

Screening Procedures

New York State Education Law mandates screenings for all grades in growth, vision and hearing. Scoliosis screening is done in Grades 5 and 7. You will be notified in writing of any abnormal findings. 

Body Mass Index

As part of a required school health examination, a student is weighed and their height is measured. These numbers are used to determine the student’s body mass index or BMI. The BMI helps the doctor or nurse know if the student’s weight is in a healthy range. 

New York state requires us to report BMIs. If you would like your child’s BMI to be excluded, please contact Mrs. Roseberger at (518) 465-4561 ext. 109.

Health Registration Form

Grades pre-K, 1, 3, 5, 7 (as well as new students) are required by law to have a physical exam performed by a licensed doctor or nurse practitioner. See right for required forms.