Exploring a Partnership between Menands School & the Village Police Department Recording and Community Feedback

On January 9, parents and members of the community attended the district’s public forum in regards to Exploring a Partnership between Menands School & the Village Police Department in the Menands School Cafeteria. For those who are not able to attend, a recording of the forum can be found HERE, a video recording will be posted to the district webpage, and you will have an opportunity to email your feedback. Comments can be submitted through February 13th to boecomments@menands.org 


  • A presentation considering a formal partnership with the Village Police Department can be found  HERE
  • Attendees were provided an opportunity to share thoughts and feedback. A summary of community feedback can be found HERE. Comments will be accepted through February 13th and will be added as they are received.
  • The district and the board will consider community input prior to finalizing any decisions.
  • Based on forum feedback students in grades 4-8 were surveyed. Feedback can be found HERE.

If emailing public comments

  • Emails will be accepted through Monday, Feb. 13.
  • Email comments to boecomments@menands.org.
  • In the subject line of your email, please indicate PD Partnership.