Live burn and presentations ignite a passion for fire safety

Menands students heated up their fire safety knowledge during an Oct. 9 visit to the school by the Menands Fire Co. #1.

Students from grades kindergarten through eight learned fire safety tips, the value of smoke alarms, and watched a live burn of a model bedroom during activities led by volunteers from the fire company.

The annual visit was part of national Fire Prevention Week activities the fire company undertakes.

Aside from the “stop, drop and roll,” students also learned why it’s important for families to have an emergency meeting place, when to call 911 (and when not to call 911), and what to do if there is a fire in their residence.

Firefighters also demonstrated the different types of gear and equipment they use to help keep the community safe and then showed just how fast a fire spreads by lighting a simulated bedroom on fire.

The live burn showed the students just how fast fire spreads – it doubles in size every minute – and how long it takes for a 911 call to be placed, firefighters to be dispatched and the fire to be extinguished.

“I felt the heat on my face. It was cool,” said Lason Keith, a fifth-grade student.
Fire officials said the annual presentation is invaluable in spreading the word about fire safety.

“We believe these activities create an immersive and memorable experience for the students, helping them better understand fire safety in a fun and engaging way,” Lt. Tony Lipari said.

Principal Kathleen Wylie said the students were “engaged and enthusiastic during the presentation and learned valuable lessons that could someday save their lives.”

Superintendent Jennifer Cannavo praised the community volunteers.

“We appreciate the effort the firefighters make on a daily basis and the dedication they show in helping our students learn valuable lessons,” Cannavo said.