New Menands teacher’s name may ring a bell to some

A teacher smiles while looking at the cameraA veteran teacher is returning to the Menands School as the new first grade teacher.

Amanda Bell has taught elementary school and special education classes for the past 15 years, most recently in the Albany City Schools where she served as a first-grade teacher.

While obtaining her bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the College of Saint Rose, Bell—who was then known as Amanda Loos—was a student teacher in Menands.

“I am excited to come back and be a part of the Menands community again,” she said.

Bell said she enjoys the interaction with students and their families that being an elementary school teacher affords her.

“I love having the opportunity to work with and get to know so many students and their families. I also love how being a teacher never gets boring. There is always something new to learn and teach. Education is constantly growing and evolving,” Bell said.

When not teaching, she enjoys spending time with her family and helping coach her daughter’s travel softball team.

She also pets that some might call foul, err, fowl.

“I own a flock of chickens. My family and I have raised them since chicks and love their fresh eggs,” she said.